Valentines inspired Halo makeup look.
Hello my loves,
Today I have a Valentines makeup look.
I will explain what I do in every step.
I used my Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Pallet and Tarte Tartlelette Pallet for this look.
Vermeer - Love Letter - Buon Fresco - Caregiver.
Let's start!
Here I have primed my eyes with concealer and translucent powder. I also did my brows before. This is a very important step in your eye look. This will help you to blend the shadow's very easy.
I started with the shade caregiver from Tarte as my transition shade. I blended this shade in my upper crease. And than I used the shade Buon Fresco from Anastasia Beverly Hills a little lower in my crease. I made sure that I blended this very well.
Than I used Love Letter from Anastasia Beverly Hills in my crease. I started with a little bit and I build this color step by step. Blend this color very good so this color will look nice and smooth.
Here I have build the color so that I like it. And than I blended Love Letter in my inner and outer corner. I wanted to make a Halo eye look. I blended everything one more time with the shade caregiver.

Than I used my concealer to clean out the outer edge of my look. I really like the look of the sharp edge in a eyelook. I applied Vermeer from Anastasia in the blank space in my lid. I blended it with the Love Letter shade so there are no hard lines.

Than I used a shit lode of Vermeer on my inner corner and Love Letter on my lover lash line.

Than I applied a little mascara on my top lashes and than the eyes are done!
Than I used my The Marc Jacobs Beauty Le Marc Lip Crème Lipstick in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang lipstick to finnish this look!
And if you recreate this look make sure that you TAG me!
TAG me under or in the picture or send me the picture!
I would love to see it !
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Facebook : Livelifethings.
The Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Pallet retails for
€54.95 at Greatbeautybar in the Nethelands.
$42 at Sephora in the US.
£41 at Cultbeauty in the UK,
The Tarte Tartlelette Pallet retails for
$46 at Sephora and Tartecosmetics.
I see you soon!