Colourpop Lippsiestix part 2
Hello my loves,
Today I will show you part 2 of my lippiestix collection.
Here you can read Part 1.
First I wan't to say that some lip swatches look a little funny. I bought a new camera and I haven't figured everything out yet.
But let's go!
As I said before I love the packaging of the lippiestix. The white and the logo looks stunning.
Here are the colours I have so far.
Upside Down - Hype Girl - Daydream - Hotline

The lipsticks have a creamy feel and finish. I love the colors and the pigment that they give
on my lips.
Upside Down.
This is a very light orange of shade. I don't really know if I like this color on me. I have to wear it more before I can make my mind up.
I think this would look gorgeous on light skin tones. When you are more tanned than I am, I think it is to light!
But all over I like the shade.
Hype Girl.
This is a natural pink shade. I am not a big pink lover, so I don't think I would wear it a lot, but who know's? I wear pinks a lot more than a year ago. It kind of reminds me of my Marc Jacobs Lipstick in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
I think this pink will look very pretty on a lot of different skin tones. So if you are a pink lover ! lets go and get it !
YAAAAAS! I love this color!! I love dark brown colours so much. I think I will wear this color a lot!
It is a warm toned dark brown shade and I think it will look stunning on everybody!
Sorry I couldn't get a clear shot of this one. But it is a medium warm brown colour. I like it with a light brown eyelook but I don't think I would wear it a lot. I think it would look good on a lot of skin colours.
I love the lippiestix a lot! There are a lot of different shades, and I think everybody will find a shade that they would like.
Al the lippiestix are Matte but they are not dry on the lips. They sit nice on the lips and are really pigmented.
I have also a part 1 of my Lippiestix collection so take a look at that!
I see you soon!
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