My Makeup Revolution.
Hello my loves,
Today I want to show you my makeup Grow up. I've got the question how did you learn to do you makeup this way quite often.
I want the show you makeup pictures from December 2015 until new.
A little disclaimer I haven't had a makeup class I have learned everything true youtube video's and I practiced a lot! So yeah you can do it if you practice a lot!
Lets start with December 2015.
A little disclaimer I haven't had a makeup class I have learned everything true youtube video's and I practiced a lot! So yeah you can do it if you practice a lot!
Lets start with December 2015.

We are staying in December 2015 a little longer. These pictures were from the review of my first "high end" eyeshadow palette! The Urban Decay x Gwen Stefani palette. This was the very first time that I used fake lashes and it was my first cut crease. And when I look back at this pictures I like the eyeliner but it didn't look like a real cut crease. And my lip picture.. Yeahh what can I say about it. I really don't know.
And than we have the beginning of 2016.
I came to the realization hat these lip pictures didn't work. So yeah after this I started to try new kind of pictures of lip swaches. And On the eyelook. This was for a review of a L'Oreal Paris eyeshadow palette. And I coulden't make a nice look picture I used my phone and I always wanted to makeup that real Instagram picture. But I couldn't.
Than there was a big gap until July/August 2016.
These 2 looks are made with my beloved Tarte Tartlette palettes. I realized that I couldn't make that real Instagram photo with my phone. So I made my pictures more of my whole look. As you can see my eyelooks were a lot heavier when what they were in the beginning of 2016. I practiced a lot and I came to the conclusion that I have found my favorite shape of eyelook for my eyes. And that was a more "winged out" kind of eyelook. Here started my love for heavier makeup.
Here I used my well loves Anastasia Beverly Hills Modrn Renaissanse palette. My full face of makeup started to look more flawless at this time. I had played with a lot of makeup techniques and found a few that I loved and I found foundations that worked very well with my oily skin.
I also found a way to take lipswach pictures in a better way. I still use this technique of making lipswaches. I also changed my lip routine a bit so I stared to love lipstick a lot more. Ans I stared to wear lipsticks a lot more!
The end of 2016.
The end of 2016.
This was one of the last pictures for a review that I made with my phone. I still love this kind of photo's for lipswaches. And yeah at this point I loved to over line my lips a lot!
The beginning of 2017 until now.
The beginning of 2017 until now.
The quality of my pictures were a lot better from the point that I bought mt first camera. I bought the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF7 + 12-32mm ASPH. I love my new camera but I still have to learn with my camera I am not a pro but I love to learn!

And yeah I really can say that my eyelook pictures are so much better than 1,5 years ago. My blending skills are so much better new and I know what looks the best on my eye new. I am not afraid of color anymore. I create colorfull eyelooks and love them so much!
With this blogpost I want to show you what everybody can do it! You don't need to go to makeup class. There is youtube with 10000000 makeup video's that will show you a lot of different makeup techniques and you have to take a look what works for you! Not everything will work for everybody.
So practice practice practice! Jaclyn Hill have said: experiment with your makeup before you wash your regular makeup off or when you have the time. Makeup washes off on the end of the day.
So I hope you liked to see my makeup revolution. And I would love to see your's!
I see you soon!